Latest Chinese Electricity Production By Generation Type

By Jeffrey Landsberg

China’s total electricity generation came in at 768.5 billion kilowatt hours last month.  This has marked a month-on-month increase of 50.6 billion kilowatt hours (7%) and is up year-on-year by 28.6 billion kilowatt hours (4%).

Coal-derived electricity generation totaled 487 billion kilowatt hours.  While this has marked a month-on-month increase of 33.2 billion kilowatt hours (7%), it is down year-on-year by 35.8 billion kilowatt hours (-7%).  Coal-derived electricity generation has now contracted for two straight months.

Hydropower output totaled 143.8 billion kilowatt hours.  This is up month-on-month by 28.8 billion kilowatt hours (25%) and is up year-on-year by 45.6 billion kilowatt  hours (46%).  Hydropower output has increased on a year-on-year basis for eleven straight months.  As we discussed in Commodore Research's most recent Weekly Dry Bulk Report, last month’s growth set a ten-year record as rainfall in June was again much heavier than usual in southern China.

Wind power production totaled 66.9 billion kilowatt hours.  This has marked a month-on-month decline of 10.2 billion kilowatt hours (-13%) but is up year-on-year by 11.2 billion kilowatt hours (20%).

Nuclear power production totaled 35.7 billion kilowatt hours.  This is down month-on-month by 300 million kilowatt hours (-1%) and is down year-on-year by 1.6 billion kilowatt hours (-4%).

Solar power production totaled 35.2 billion kilowatt hours.  This is down month-on-month by 700 million kilowatt hours (-2%) but is up year-on-year by 9.3 billion kilowatt hours (36%).