India produced approximately 115.7 billion kilowatt hours of electricity last month, which is up month-on-month by 7.2 billion kilowatt hours (7%) and up year-on-year by 9.4 billion kilowatt hours (9%). India’s electricity production ended last year increasing on a year-on-year basis during nine of the last ten months. It began the year contracting on a year-on-year basis in both January and February.
India’s coal-derived electricity generation totaled approximately 102.5 billion kilowatt hours last month. This has marked a month-on-month increase of 8.1 billion kilowatt hours (9%) and is up year-on-year by 9.1 billion kilowatt hours (10%). Coal derived-electricity generation has also now increased on a year-on-year basis during nine of the last ten months. January and February also experienced year-on-year contractions.
India’s hydropower output totaled only 8.8 billion kilowatt hours last month. This has marked a month-on-month decline of 1.3 billion kilowatt hours (-13%) but is up year-on-year by 400 million kilowatt hours (5%). It is normal for hydropower output to continue to fall during this time of year. Output, though, has now grown on a year-on-year basis during twelve of the last fourteen months.